The Workshop on the topic “Corpus Linguistic Analyse of Georgian Political speech ” aims to introduce and master the methods of linguopolitological analysis of Georgian political speeches. The summer school program includes both theoretical courses and practical trainings, such as, for example, learning and analyzing the forms and methods of communication, mastering the strategies and techniques of arguments, learning and analyzing the linguistic means of manipulation, learning research skills and practical application.
The Batumi State University in cooperation with the Academy of Digital Humanities – Georgia is holding an international summer school “Documenting and Archiving of Language and Culture in the Digital Age” on 1.-8.08. The summer school aims to impact the basic principles of documentary linguistics, to introduce the theoretical and methodological foundations of digital documenting and archiving. In order to collect empirical material, it is planned to conduct an expedition in the Skhalta-Khikhani valley.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia will hold a conference dedicated to Diaspora Day on June 27, 2024, The project “My Rustaveli”, funded by the Department of Diaspora Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, has set out to promote national self-awareness, generate interest in Georgian literature, and facilitate the comprehensive acquisition of the Georgian language in the diaspora. The digital online portal “MyRustaveli” translations will be presented in seven languages: Georgian, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Greek.
Tbilisi State University, together with Georgian and foreign universities (Frankfurt University, Harvard University), is holding on October 11-13, 2024 the VI International Interdisciplinary Symposium of Young Scientists in Humanities (ISYSH-2024) – “Georgian Studies: History, Modernity, Perspectives”. Within the framework of the symposium, there will be thematic sections, a round table, discussion forums, formal and informal meetings. The main working languages are Georgian and English.
University of Georgia in cooperation with Frankfurt University organize the III International conference to promote scientific research fields of Kartvelology, development of the close scientific ties between georgian and foreign scientists and interdisciplinary and intercultural research. The scientific program include the Topics from History, Archeology, Ethnology, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Art History, Source Studies, as well as International relations, Geopolitics.
The Academy of Digital Humanities – Georgia presents the Volume 2 of the scientific journal “Millennium”. The journal is an internationally peer-reviewed bilingual publication, the purpose of which is to promote the development of digital humanities in Georgia. The presentation of the first issue of the journal will take place on September 25, 2023, at 19.00 at the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia. The issue includes materials presented by young scientists participating in the international symposium held at the University of Frankfurt on October 4-8, 2023.
The Goethe University of Frankfurt and the University of Georgia will hold an international workshop on the topic “Natural Language Processing Technologies and the Importance of Corpus based Research for Kartvelology in 21st Century”. Specialists from the Academy of Digital Humanities – Georgia and Linguistic Technologies Group will participate in the workshop, which is intended for young scientists working in Georgian studies and students of all three levels of higher education (Bachelor, Master, PhD).
The Academy of Digital Humanities presents the digital corpus of Abkhazian translations of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin“. The corpus includes the Georgian text of Rustaveli’s epic and two Abkhazian translations (by Dimitri Gulia and by Mushni Lasuria). The project was completed at the Institute of Abkhazia of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in cooperation with the Academy of Digital Humanities. This project was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNFG).
The Academy of Digital Humanities – Georgia presents the new scientific journal “Millennium”. The journal is an internationally peer-reviewed bilingual publication, the purpose of which is to promote the development of digital humanities in Georgia. The presentation of the first issue of the journal will take place on September 25, 2023, at 19.00 at the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia.
The Academy of Digital Humanities – Georgia is holding an international summer school “Documenting and Archiving of Language and Culture in the Digital Age” in the Skhalta-Khikhani valley on 30.08-8.09. The summer school aims to impart the basic principles of documentary linguistics, to introduce the theoretical and methodological foundations of digital documenting and archiving.
March 6-12, 2023. The Academy of Digital Humanities in cooperation with the University of Frankfurt, is holding the International Winter School in Digital Humanities at Gori State University. The participants of the school will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history, essence and foundations of the formation of digital humanities and to gain knowledge in the main directions of digital humanities.
On April 7 th-8 th 2023, within the framework of the week related to the Day of the Georgian Language, an exhibition-presentation of modern technologies of the Georgian language was held. One of the main tasks of the event was to promote the understanding of the existing resources related to the Georgian language in the context of open science and to integrate them with the European open science cloud.
On August 4 th-11 th 2023, the Institute of Empirical Linguistics of Frankfurt University in cooperation with Batumi State University and Academy of Digital Humanities – Georgia traditionally holds once again the Batumi International Summer School in Digital Kartvelology.
The participants of the Batumi International Summer School will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history, essence and basics of the foundation and formation of Digital Kartvelology.
The international summer school on the topic “Culture of political speech in public speeches and debates” (Linguopolitological analysis of Georgian political speech) is held in Georgia for the first time and aims to introduce and master the methods of linguopolitological analysis of Georgian political speeches. The summer school program includes both theoretical courses and practical trainings, such as, for example, learning and analyzing the forms and methods of communication, mastering the strategies and techniques of arguments, learning and analyzing the linguistic means of manipulation, learning research skills and practical application.
The Academy of Digital Humanities – Georgia presents the new scientific journal “Digital Kartvelology” to the Georgian scientific community. The journal is an internationally peer-reviewed bilingual publication, the purpose of which is to promote the development of digital humanities in Georgia. The presentation of the journal will take place on October 6, 2022, at 19.00 at the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia (in the exhibition hall).
The workshop aims to study and to teach modern research methods in Kartvelology and to master language technologies and their practical use in Kartvelological studies. The participants of the workshop will be introduced to big data of Kartvelian studies and software tools for digital processing of spoken language (KWIC, FLEX, ELAN).
The summer school on “Digital Rustvelology” aims to critically discuss the text of “The Knight in the Panther‘s Skin” and to study the methods of digital research into the epic.
The training unit “Culture of Political Speech in Public Performances and Debates” aims to refine the political speech in Georgian and to raise political awareness among both politicians and the general public.
The workshop aims to explore digital research methods, in particular the mastery of corpuslinguistic methods for use in research.